Don’t Get Clever With Login Forms
03 Oct 2019Don’t Get Clever With Login Forms
As time goes on I find myself increasingly annoyed with login forms. As password managers like 1Password (which is what I use) and Chrome’s password manager (which I also sorta use) become more popular, it’s important for websites to be aware of how users go about logging into their sites.
This. So much this. I’m a huge fan of 1Password, and am 100% behind using some form of password manager (I also use OSX built-in password mnagement as well these days). Nothing gets me irritated quicker than being “clever” about password interfaces. These tools work well, and my online life is immensely more secure with them as I generally dont know my passwords (they’re not in my head) and they are secure (i.e. long, random etc). If you break my password manager I’m being pushed to do somehting less secure, and I don’t like that one bit
Don’t get me started on the special place in hell for password “security” policies that disallow stronger passwords.