29 Nov 2017
Builing Product Recommendations Using Elixir GenStage
I’ve wanted to build something using Flow since José Valim introduced the concepts behind it in his Elixir Conf 2016 keynote. I initially thought of building a product recommendation tool using crowdsourced reviews. As it would include both IO intensive stages, such as HTTP requests, and CPU intensive stages, like sentiment analysis. A good candidate for parallel processing and suitable for using Flow.
I’m still pretty new to Elixir but can see there’s a lot of great stuff in this project to learn from.
28 Nov 2017
Namespacing Actions for Redux
With Redux, you can use combineReducers to create nested reducers that only operate on a slice of state, but all reducers still respond to all actions. Often this is the point—a component can affect another component just by dispatching an action. But when we started creating multiple instances of the same component, we created a system where every instance responded to action meant for just one.
28 Nov 2017
Use a Render Prop!
I can do anything you’re doing with your HOC using a regular component with a render prop. Come fight me.
15 Nov 2017
Move Slowly and Fix Things
As software continues to invade our lives in surreptitious ways, the social and ethical implications are increasingly significant.
Our work is HEAVY and it’s getting heavier all the time. I think a lot of designers haven’t deeply considered this, and they don’t appreciate the real-life effects of the work they’re doing.
09 Nov 2017
Solidarity — The CLI for Developer Sanity
Solidarity is a command-line tool that lets you check your machine’s environment against a project’s expected environment, and warns you if you’re missing something.