18 Oct 2016
Elixir ETS vs Redis
Learning Elixir has a way of challenging everything you know about programming. Redis is becoming an assumed part of many web stacks, in the same breath as your database. But with Elixir, do you need it? Do you even need a database?
15 Oct 2016
A Redux devtool that lets you replay user sessions in real-time.
13 Oct 2016
Addy Oasami has written an excellent new series on creating progressive web apps with React. Theres a lot to digest here…
There’s much new in the world of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and you might be wondering how compatible they are with existing architectures using libraries like React and JS module bundlers like Webpack. Does a PWA require a wholesale rewrite? What web performance metrics do you need to keep an eye on? In this series of posts I’ll share my experience turning React-based web apps into PWAs. We’ll also cover why shipping just what users need for a route & throwing out all other scripts are good ideas for fast perf.
13 Oct 2016
The Math of CSS Locks
A CSS lock is a Responsive Web Design technique that lets you transition smoothly between two values, depending on the current viewport size, rather than jump straight from one value to the other.
Flexible Typography with CSS Locks
This formula is about more than line-height or font-size. This formula is a way of dynamically calculating any value between two extremes, relative to another set of extreme values — independent from media query breakpoints.
A totally new-to-me technique. I’m glad there are CSS geeks out there to figure this stuff out for me to use ;-)
13 Oct 2016
µWS is one of the most lightweight, efficient & scalable WebSocket server implementations available. It features an easy-to-use, fully async object-oriented interface and scales to millions of connections using only a fraction of memory compared to the competition.
Can be dropped into Socket.io as the websocket implementation so you can still get all of socket.io’s fallback goodness.